You will probably agree that belly fat loss is far more important for women than men. Women feel this need to be shapely, especially after giving birth. They want to obtain their pre-pregnancy figure not only to keep their husbands interested in them, but more so, to feel good about themselves. They want to look good, even though they can sometimes resort to extreme measures just to get a flatter tummy. Nevertheless, no matter how vain women can be, there are actually good reasons why belly fat loss is important for women.
So what are really the ramifications of belly fat in women aside from the obvious fact that it affects their self-confidence? Well, the effects prove to be way more than just skin-deep. Belly fats actually affect women's health rather gravely than perceived. As a woman's waistline grows, so do her health risks. According to Harvard Women's Health Watch, visceral fat - the fat that's stored deep within the cavity in the abdomen - "has been linked to metabolic disturbances and increased risk for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. It is also associated with breast cancer and the need for gallbladder surgery."
To broaden your knowledge, there are actually 2 types of belly fat - subcutaneous fat and visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is the type of fat that's visible on the outside, the one that you can grasp with your hand, such as the bulging tummy and love handles. The visceral fat, as already mentioned, is the one that cannot be seen as it lies inside the abdominal cavity. This fat fills out the spaces in between internal organs located in the abdominal area. It is also called the retroperitoneal fat. Some studies indicate that visceral fat is strongly linked to risk factors like insulin resistance which can then cause type 2 diabetes.
Another indication which makes visceral fat dangerous to women's health is because abdominal fat cells are like an endocrine gland or organ. They can produce hormones and other health-affecting substances. Leptin, for example, is a hormone produced by fat cells which reduces your appetite after you've taken a meal. Adiponectin is another hormone produced by fat cells which is believed to affect cellular response to insulin. Once there's an excess of abdominal fats in the body, the balance and normal function of these hormones will be affected.

Excess visceral abdominal fat can also affect the manufacture of blood lipids. This happens when the visceral fat is located by the portal vein, which is responsible for carrying blood from the intestinal region to the liver. Visceral fat is also believed to be responsible for higher levels of bad cholesterol, lower levels of good cholesterol, and insulin resistance in the body. It can also increase risks of colorectal cancer, high blood pressure, reduced memory, and less verbal fluency.
So what to do to attain belly fat loss? Weight control is important. At least 30 minutes of moderate intensity workout everyday can make the difference. Strength training or working out with weights can also help. Contrary to what others say, spot exercising such as sit-ups won’t exactly cause belly fat loss. Cutting calories is not a good idea either, as it can slow down metabolism and store more fats later on. Diet is very important but focus should be on portion size, complex carbs, and lean protein
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