0 Belly Fat Loss to Stop Diabetes?

By Roger Navidad Pahuriray
Belly Fat Loss to Stop Diabetes?

Two months ago, the American Diabetes Association (ADA) published and presented initial results of a study which concluded that bariatric surgery treatments (or surgeries performed to cure obesity) may stop diabetes. Two bariatric surgery techniques were performed on slightly obese patients diagnosed with uncontrolled diabetes. The two techniques provided the same amount of weight loss, but it was those who've undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery that showed higher diabetes reduction rate than those who've undergone sleeve gastrectomy. This means that the higher the belly fat loss, the higher the chances of stopping diabetes.

Belly Fat Loss to Stop Diabetes?

The patients in the study were 7 to 10-year diabetics (with most already taking insulin), aged mid-40s, with an average body mass index (BMI) of 36. After the surgeries, the researchers did a Mixed Meal Tolerance Test on the patients to determine their glucose metabolism. After 2 years, the bypass patients' glucose levels are at a normal level of 85 to 90 mg/dL while the sleeve gastrectomy patients only had intermediary glucose levels of 150 mg/dL.

Dr. Sangeeta R. Kashyap of the Cleveland Clinic explained that the normal glucose levels were attributed to the much higher abdominal fat loss achieved by the bypass surgery patients compared to the sleeve gastrectomy patients. "We think body composition is the key. The fact that they're melting away truncal (belly) fat helps them be more sensitive to insulin and to produce more of it, which is restoring normal glucose metabolism." Dr. Kashyap explained.

Belly Fat Loss to Stop Diabetes?

Although the findings of the study are still to be reviewed by other field experts, such findings are still astounding, further reiterating the importance of shedding belly fat. Although the results of the study were seen in obese patients who've undergone surgeries to lose weight, natural and non-invasive ways to lose belly fats are still highly recommended.

A healthy diet is the number one prevention and cure against diabetes. Nutrient-dense foods or whole foods are very ideal for diabetics and non-diabetics alike. Examples of these foods are apples, avocados, bananas, celery, kelp noodles (noodles made from seaweed), seafood, tart cherries, tomatoes, and watermelons. Lean protein like lamb meat is also beneficial. Drinking 2 cups of green tea daily also helps.

As for the workout, exercise must not exceed 45 minutes a day. According to experts, more than 45 minutes of daily exercise can produce excess cortisol in the body. Cortisol is a hormone that helps the body deal with stress. Unfortunately, it is the same hormone responsible for storing fat in the belly area. Having long-term elevated levels of cortisol in the body will bring about negative effects, one of which is increased abdominal fat which can slow down glucose metabolism and cause diabetes.

Workout must therefore only be at 30 minutes a day. Avoid going over the 45-minute threshold to prevent elevating the amount of cortisol in the body. Excessive workout durations in a day will defeat its purpose and will even make the body even heavier and more susceptible to diabetes.


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